Category EDM NEWS

Kaskade announces New Year’s Eve drive-in event

Category: EDM NEWS

Kaskade announces New Year’s Eve drive-in event49933778 796078890756166 9096370664385225572 NKaskade takes New Year's Eve festivities to Norco, California.Read More

Netflix entrusts Galantis with headlining duties for virtual event, ‘The Prom: Tonight Belongs to You’

Category: EDM NEWS

Netflix entrusts Galantis with headlining duties for virtual event, ‘The Prom: Tonight Belongs to You’117678589 181145896711929 305937765683008447 NIt's news worth celebrating for Galantis fans, considering that the duo has largely been silent on the livestream front throughout 2020.Read More

Excision’s Subsidia Records ushers in ‘Dusk Vol. 2’

Category: EDM NEWS

Excision’s Subsidia Records ushers in ‘Dusk Vol. 2’Dion TimmerThe sophomore member of the 'Dusk' family provides a thunderous follow-up to the opening LP while predicting what's yet to come: 'Dawn Vol. 2.'Read More