Kim Bjørn preps synthesizer-focused book in collaboration with Moog Music, ‘PATCH & TWEAK with Moog’

Category: EDM NEWS

Kim Bjørn preps synthesizer-focused book in collaboration with Moog Music, ‘PATCH & TWEAK with Moog’Patch Tweak Moog Press

Esteemed author and electronic icon Kim Bjørn is preparing to release PATCH & TWEAK with Moog, the latest book in his collection of inspirational manuals for all types of synthesized sound. Following prior releases, PEDAL CRUSH, PUSH TURN MOVE, and PATCH & TWEAK Exploring Modular Synthesis, PATCH & TWEAK with Moog offers extensive information regarding all of Moog Music‘s semi-modular analog synthesizers: Mother-32DFAMSubharmoniconGrandmother, and Matriarch

Not only is this book a comprehensive guide for all things Moog, but it also boasts interviews with central sonic figures. Some of these include Nine Inch Nails frontman Trent Reznor, Stranger Things composers Michael Stein and Kyle Dixon, and critically acclaimed film composer and sound designer Hans Zimmer.

In picking up this book, readers can expect 200 pages chock full of synthesizer techniques, creative patch ideas, sound design tips, interviews with electro prodigies, thorough discussions with Moog engineers, and a dive into Dr. Bob Moog’s enduring legacy.

In the last half a century, technology in electronic sound has skyrocketed in terms of capability, so much so that producers only need one instrument or machine to do what would have taken a multitude of synthesizers 50 years ago. PATCH & TWEAK with Moog, slated to land November 6, serves as a detailed guide to the origins of electronic music that is guaranteed to inspire creators of any and all experience levels. Pre-order PATCH & TWEAK with Moog here.

Via: Moog Music

Featured image: Moog Music