Peer into the life of Charli XCX in the latest installment of Red Bull’s ‘A Conversation With…’ series [Watch]

Category: EDM NEWS

Peer into the life of Charli XCX in the latest installment of Red Bull’s ‘A Conversation With…’ series [Watch]Charli C Pitchfork2019 3125

Red Bull has provided a rare opportunity for fans to catch a glimpse of the life of pop music trailblazer and innovator Charli XCX. The latest episode in Red Bull’s popular A Conversation With series, A Conversation With…Charli XCX features documentary-style storytelling combined with footage from a live, in-depth interview with Charli XCX and journalist Wilbert L. Cooper, recorded pre-pandemic at Los Angeles’ The Hammer Museum.

Hosted on Charli XCX’s official YouTube channel, the 50-minute piece includes interviews from a top-notch roster of the star’s closest friends and collaborators. Swedish songwriter Noonie Bao and manager/childhood best friend Twiggy Rowley, among other featured speakers, offer unique insight into the life of a world-class pop innovator. From her early origins to biggest industry challenges, Charli XCX goes deep into her life, even offering personal words of wisdom and advice to her fans.

Released in May, Charli XCX’s 11-track LP how i’m feeling now reflects the unique opportunities that the modern musician has. how i’m feeling now was notably recorded and released entirely in Charli XCX’s isolation in her Los Angeles home. Fan feedback helped influence creative decisions in the songwriting and artwork process, according to the latest installment in Red Bull’s A Conversation With series.

Watch the full-length Red Bull documentary and stream how i’m feeling now below.

Featured image: Roman Sobus