The M Machine presents brilliant new remix of Rubblebucket

Category: EDM NEWS

Dancing Astronaut - house, electro, progressive, dubstep

Time and time again, The M Machine has proven that their grasp on production far exceeds the common artist. Their newest remix showcases just how dynamic their sound can be. Taking on indie band Rubblebucket’s “Sound of Erasing,” the San Francisco trio demonstrates a softer and more playful side to their futuristic brand of bass music. With plenty of quirky blips, stabs, and curious arpeggios to lead the charge, The M Machine have crafted one of their most inventive remixes yet. Perhaps most impressive is the lack of repetition in the song. Every section feels so animated and interesting as the song effortlessly evolves within its four-minute span.

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The M Machine presents brilliant new remix of Rubblebucket was posted by Michael Sundius, and appeared first on Dancing Astronaut.