Watch Jauz mash up Skrillex’s ‘Red Lips’ remix with the ‘Pokémon’ theme song

Category: EDM NEWS

Dancing Astronaut - EDM, trap, techno, deep house, dubstep

Skrillex’s unreleased remix of GTA’s “Red Lips” is currently one of the most anticipated tracks in the realm of bass music. Skrillex masterfully blends Sam Bruno’s haunting vocals with some of his most signature, high-octane bass synthesis to create a final product that is a truly sinister addition to any performance.

Teach Pokemon to understand, The power that’s inside (^^^)

Posted by JAUZ on Sunday, 20 September 2015

Well, almost any performance…
Jauz playfully undermines the ominous qualities of Skrillex’s remix by replacing Bruno’s solemn vocals with an even more recognizable verse, which evokes an entirely different emotion from the crowd. Check out the video above to see Jauz move from the Pokémon theme song into Skrillex’s powerhouse remix.
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Watch Jauz mash up Skrillex’s ‘Red Lips’ remix with the ‘Pokémon’ theme song was posted by Will McCarthy, and appeared first on Dancing Astronaut.