Targeting the house party market, Spotify has decided to turn their iOS and Android apps into an effortless, portable DJ so to speak. Through a new “Party” feature, users can select one of 12 pre-made, beatmatched playlists for their house party and program them based on three different “moods.” Playlists range from typical party records to electronic music, with one of them curated by Diplo & Friends.
Once the playlist has been selected, songs are mixed into one another as if an actual DJ were spinning live. Early reviews verify what might be expected from the feature: playlists containing primarily pop, hip-hop, and R&B tend to have a few hiccups in transitioning while playlists skewing towards EDM work more naturally. The Party feature can be located within the “genre & moods” section of the iOS or Android applications.
Via: Digital DJ Tips
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