Daft Punk rumored to be involved in Nintendo’s upcoming ‘Splatoon 3’

Category: EDM NEWS

Daft Punk rumored to be involved in Nintendo’s upcoming ‘Splatoon 3’Daft Punk Piel Art Credit Reddit User ManiacMidget54 Dancing Astronaut

Daft Punk may have broken up, but the rumor mill persists.

A recent issue of the Japanese gaming magazine CoroCoro has featured Daft Punk in a full-page advertisement for Nintendo‘s upcoming title, Splatoon 3. The ad (seen below), directly references the now defunct duo with an image in the bottom left corner with a headline that says “Around The World,” followed by “Daft Punk Airlines.”

Daft Punk rumored to be involved in Nintendo’s upcoming ‘Splatoon 3’Daft Punk Splatoon 3 Dancing Astronaut

The featured artwork isn’t particularly new, but such a blatant inclusion of the iconic French duo’s name and likeness have led fans to wonder if Daft Punk will be involved in the upcoming game, either through contributions to its soundtrack, or possibly with dedicated skins.

This would not be the first time that the Splatoon series has given a nod to musical greats, as previous content from the franchise has included tributes to both Biggie Smalls and Tupac. For what it’s worth, the reference in CoroCoro may be the extent of the tribute, but has ambiguity ever stopped Daft Punk fans from hoping? Didn’t think so…

Featured image: Reddit user ManiacMidget54

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