Todd Terry – Real House (Original Mix) [Preview]

Category: EDM NEWS

Dancing Astronaut - house, electro, progressive, dubstep

The topic of ‘real house music’ has historically come with a lot of chest beating from the older generations, but few are more proficient to argue the case than that of Todd Terry. Still revered as a household name and outright pioneer of American house music, the New York legend joins the unlikely ranks of Steve Angello’s X imprint to offer a persuasive argument for the label’s underground door policy.

Off the heels of Harry Romero’s gritty techno stylings for X’s 13th instalment, “Real House” samples from a wide pool of hallmarks from the genres dotted history. It sounds like a time when the substance of your track was determined by its impact on the floor, one in this instance carried by infectious grooves and minimalistic lead work to the utmost effect by the outspoken hit machine. Their output to date may have been positive, but it takes a real industry icon to seal X perhaps the most unpretentious and self fulfilling embodiment of why no-nonsense club music still has a crucial role to play in the modern market.

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Release date: June 16

Todd Terry – Real House (Original Mix) [Preview] was posted by Dan Roy Carter, and appeared first on Dancing Astronaut.